The Task Force’s work featured in the Bartlett Review
4 September 2024
The Digital Task Force for Planning has been featured in the Bartlett Review, published by the Bartlett, UCL’s Faculty of the Built Environment. The recognition comes in appreciation of the Task Force’s efforts to address the climate crisis and other grand challenges facing our society.

The work of Dr Wei Yang and Professor Michael Batty has been featured in the Bartlett Review, published by the Bartlett, UCL’s Faculty of the Built Environment. The recognition comes in appreciation of the Task Force’s efforts to address the climate crisis and other grand challenges facing our society.
Read the Bartlett Review: a digital future for spatial planning – A ground breaking report from the Digital Task Force for Planning is helping the UK planning profession use new, digital approaches.
Professor Michael Batty said, “In this world we live in, everything is connected to everything else. The impact of the planning process is no more or less than all of us being involved in our environment.”
Dr Wei Yang said, “I am delighted that our work at the Digital Task Force for Planning has been featured at The Bartlett Review.
The planning profession must seize the significant opportunity to lead the digital revolution in planning before it passes us by. Digital technology empowers us to accomplish tasks that were previously beyond our reach.
By harnessing the potential of digitally enabled spatial planning, we can transcend departmental and professional silos, offering a transformative solution that unites all positive forces to tackle the grand challenges.”